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Friday, November 23, 2012

Come. My Friend

By Gener

Where have you been my friend
I'd been waiting for you many moons ago
And you never came 
And you never dared to call,
In my angst I let you know I missed you
Gave you a clap in the ear
A splash in the face
A painting to trigger your vision.

But you went away
Never bid me goodbye
Shut down the memories of our friendship
No letters, no thank you, no hellos,
I became sad for I longed for your presence
In those nights we used to talk endlessly
In those mornings when you me woke up with a sigh
In those mid-day concerns you posed to me.

And then I heard the bad news about you
How you got sick and how you lost a child
How you were kicked out of a precious job
How you missed on payments on the house,
How friends abandoned you and then
Your spouse left you for another
Your parents gave up on your insolence
Your relatives disinherited you of their love.

My friend why wait for these gloom before knocking on my door
Why settle for the bad 
Why heap countless woes on people who cared for you
Why throw the years we'd known each other
And take the side of my foe,
My friend and beloved you are also my child
I never stopped thinking about you for a second
I was just waiting for you to call on me again.

Lest you've forgotten my name
I am Jesus
I am your best friend forever. 

1 comment:

Cyrill said...

Maganda ito, very close to the heart.