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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

God's Little Children

By Gener

I bought you a cradle
Loaded it on a carriage
Put you there to sleep
when your mood was not good,
Till the swaying stopped
Into a play pen
You landed next,
In a big-sized bed you crawled
With the dolls at your side.

Your mum cuddled you tight
As I slept by your toes,
Your cheeks puffed into dough
As I fed you your milk,
Your legs turned into barrels
As I scooped Gerber into your mouth,
Your hair thickened slowly
As mum washed it daily.

Your baby photos adorned
the walls of my wallet,
Your voice was captured on tape
which I played late at night,
Your shoe size I watched grew
Your dress size changed a lot
Your dolls n' your toys kept abreast of your height.

Me and mum didn't care
when we slept less and less,
And we didn't mind too
that we spent more on you,
We worked apart from each other
to feed and educate you,
We got lonely and old
But then, we had you.

God's little children
we parents love every bit of them,
So we don't get the reasoning behind this stupid RH Bil,
Those law makers who pushed them
will be consigned into the forgot'ten,
And those who opposed them
will be remembered forever.

Say NO to RH Bill
And say YES to God's little children.

1 comment:

Juan said...