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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Media Noche.

Media noche means the half of a night or middle of a night.  It is used in the Philippines to connote New Year's Eve or that time when the clock strikes at 12 midnight, and it is in between the old and the new year.

Media Noche is literally celebrated with a bang in the Philippines; fireworks and firecrackers and even gun shots roar and light up the night and sky.

This New Year 2012-2013 celebrations, at least 413 people were reported injured. A six- year old girl is still in a coma at a  hospital with a gun shot wound in her head and a four-year old boy who went to use the bathroom in his cousin's house died from four gun shots/

Filipinos traditionally celebrate New Year's eve and day hosting or attending family reunions. And since the dawning of the Metro Manila film festival, New Year has also been the last day to see Tagalog movie entries to the festival.

Gift giving or what we call in our family "monito, monita" is another Filipino Holiday Season tradition.  It is the counterpart of exchange gift but here the relative you give a gift to remains a secret until the name is called out in the actual handing out of gifts.

Media Noche is also an occasion to bring out the best holiday food in the table.  The usual Pinoy media noche fare always include the jamon or Chinese sweet ham, queso de bola (Chinese edam cheese) tsokolateng cacao, buko salad, Pinoy sweet spaghetti, pan americano, halayang ube o sweet purple yam, 12 round fruits, and of course, liquor, liqueur and wine.

In the olden days, children went from house to house and were given money by the old folks; even non- relatives knocked at houses and received food and money. 

In the village where we live, it is quite surprising to still have people whom you don't know holler "namamasko po," (Merry Christmas, can we have some gifts?).

The Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God on New Year's Day so it is a  holiday of obligation.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Philippines has the longest Christmas Season. Media Noche in the Philippines is probably the noisiest and family-oriented event in the world.