I attended a Kerygma Conference one time. That was in 2014. In one
of the sessions I went to, there were five preachers who talked about
their style of preaching and talking to a large audience. In that
session alone, (two same sessions ran concurrently side by side) there
were at least a thousand people.
All preachers were
excellent. I actually liked them all, in varying degrees. But one
preacher stood out for me. She was the only woman preacher in the crop.
Up to this day, almost 400 days later, I could still recall parts of the story.
What made her "talk" stand out? She told a simple story; a very tiny slice of her life.
This was the story as I remember it told:
and her sisters were about to exhume the remains of her late mother for
transfer to another site and were debating who would supervise it.
Although they loved their mother dearly, they felt queasy having to see
her actual bones and all. So they assigned the family driver to oversee.
preacher then related how her mother used to be very careful about her
physical appearance when she was still alive, but now that she'd gone,
and just all ashes and bones, all the speaker could remember of her
mother were the values she imparted to her and her siblings. She then
told a scene in which her son asked for a hotel room with a big tub, and
how the little boy said he'd pray for it when she told him they could
not afford a fancy room. Her son learned early the value of prayer that
she inculcated in him.
Simple story. And simple stories touch the hearts of people.
do not have to look farther. When we read the Bible, we will discover
that it is full of stories. The entire Bible, Old and New Testament, is a
The Old Testament is the story of the coming of the Messiah, and the New Testament is the story of Jesus, the Messiah.
Jesus loved to tell stories or parables. In all, He told 46 parables.
Parables of Jesus in Chronological Order:
1 New cloth on an old coat 9:16 2:21 5:36
2 New wine in old wine skins 9:17 2:22 5:37-38
3 Lamp on a stand (also see #6) 5:14-15
4 Wise and foolish builders 7:24-27 6:47-49
5 Moneylender forgives unequal debts 7:41-43
6 Lamp on a stand (2nd time, see #3) 4:21-22 8:16, 11:33
7 Rich man foolishly builds bigger barns 12:16-21
8 Servants must remain watchful (also see #44) 12:35-40
9 Wise and foolish servants (also see #42) 12:42-48
10 Unfruitful fig tree 13:6-9
11 Sower and four types of soil 13:3-8, 18-23 4:3-8, 14-20 8:5-8, 11-15
12 Weeds among good plants (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:24-30, 36-43
13 Growing seed (Kingdom of Heaven) 4:26-29
14 Mustard seed (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:31-32 4:30-32 13:18-19
15 Yeast (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:33 13:20-21
16 Hidden treasure (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:44
17 Valuable pearl (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:45-46
18 Fishing net (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:47-50
19 Owner of a house (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:52
20 Lost sheep (sheep as children, also see #29) 18:12-14
21 The sheep, gate, and shepherd ( John 10:1-5, 7-18 )
22 Master and his servant 17:7-10
23 Unmerciful servant (Kingdom of Heaven) 18:23-34
24 Good Samaritan 10:30-37
25 Friend in need 11:5-8
26 Lowest seat at the feast 14:7-14
27 Invitation to a great banquet 14:16-24
28 Cost of discipleship 14:28-33
29 Lost sheep (sheep as sinners, also see #20) 15:4-7
30 Lost coin 15:8-10
31 Lost (prodigal) son 15:11-32
32 Shrewd manager 16:1-8
33 Rich man and Lazarus 16:19-31
34 Workers in the vineyard, early and late 20:1-16
35 Persistent widow and crooked judge 18:2-8
36 Pharisee and tax collector 18:10-14
37 King’s ten servants given minas (also see #45) 19:12-27
38 Two sons, one obeys one does not 21:28-32
39 Wicked tenants 21:33-44 12:1-11 20:9-18
40 Invitation to a wedding banquet 22:2-14
41 Signs of the future from a fig tree 24:32-35 13:28-29 21:29-31
42 Wise and foolish servants (2nd time, see #9) 24:45-51
43 Wise and foolish virgins 25:1-13
44 Servants must remain watchful (2nd time, see #8) 13:35-37
45 Three servants given talents (also see #37) 25:14-30
46 Sheep and goats will be separated 25:31-46
the Basic Bible Seminars that we run through the Biblical Apostolate at
our Parish of San Andres Apostol, participants learn Bible sharing, and
they become earnest and eager when it's time to share their personal
stories and encounter with Jesus.
I have had also many
opportunities to deliver small talks in our prayer meetings, seminars
and fellowships. I always tell stories.
YOU A STORY. I have many to tell. In this very blog. By the way, the
woman preacher above is Rissa Singson Kawpeng, Editor-in-Chief of
Kerygma Magazine.
February 9, 2017 – MK 7:24-30
8 years ago