There's an old song by the Spiral Staircase with the lyrics,
"Bring back the pieces of a broken man babe
He’s sorry can’t you see
Bring back the pieces of the broken man
you’re every part of me"
If you just read the lyrics without knowing the song, it could very well be a prayer, just say "Babe Jesus, instead of just "babe."
When song writers write their lyrics and simple folks sing their songs, there's a lot of emotion into the action. Lyricists draw from their experiences. Singers and ordinary people draw from theirs, too.
In prayer, we connect with God, Our Creator, the one who redeemed and continually forgives us for all our misdeeds and sins.
In private prayer, we are in a direct dialogue, we sing silently, giving praise, pleading for pardon, seeking favours.
God works miracles. If you are broken hearted, He puts the broken pieces back and makes you whole again. You can move on, you can go on loving and living again.
If you sinned, and ask for forgiveness, He says it's alright, my child, I forgive you.
Please include GOD IN YOUR LIFE. Without Him, you don't have a Father to protect you, to cheer you up, to mend whatever hurts you.
February 9, 2017 – MK 7:24-30
8 years ago