According to Luke 19: 1 -10, Zacchaeus went up the Sycamore tree because he was a short man and could not see Jesus amid the thick crowd. Once perched up the tree, he saw Jesus and Jesus saw him immediately.
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The Sycamore Tree of Zacchaeus |
During the time of Jesus, the closest thing to a carriage that he mounted on was a donkey during His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
If Zacchaeus did not climb up the Sycamore tree, Jesus would not have called him and he would not have received Jesus' special blessing and grace, and he'd remain a sinner.
Being persistent proved worthwhile. Zacchaeus must have been frustrated upon not being able to see Jesus amid the towering men and women, so he conjured the plan to be on the tree top.
In Luke 5: 18 - 26, persistence also proved the friends of a paralytic man right when they lowered the sick man through a roof which they tore so that Jesus could heal their friend. When Jesus saw how strongly they believe that He could help, he said to the sick man, " Son, your sins are forgiven and then, "I say to you, stand up, take your mat and go home."
Going the extra mile as the modern idiom goes, means to make more effort than is expected of you. Or as Mathew 5:41 relates: "whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two."